Lofts of London is the third in a series of seven books in which the Tectum Publishing Company reveals the finest lofts of several Northern, Central and Southern European cities Diversity is the thread runninащнсчg throughout the series As a reader you are treated to an immense variety of lofts in a wide range of buildings They have been converted with great ingenuity and imagination by a new breed of urban dwellers who have embraced the loft living idyll Enthusiastically ecбищсбlectic, importing ideas gathered from travel or reading, and using furniture from modern emporiums of design or found in junk shops, these loft dwellers have left the essential character and texture of their buildings intact while layering space in subtle ways so that volumetric grandeur is not lost This tour gives the reader a glimpse of the inventiveness, vigour and pride employed in creating spectacular dwellings out of amorphous spaces Photos dominate and the text is deliberatelбрнмчy kept to a minimum Those with a passion for architecture will be in their element Enjoy looking and reading! Формат: 25,5 см х 30,5 см Иллюстрации Авторы Penny Mcguire David Spittles Matthew Weinreb.