От издателя Everyone has nightmares But only Alice Cooper would defy rock 'n' roll convention and present those images in his legendary show 'Welcome To My Nightmare' The first full-blown rock-theater extraащнзъvaganza ever, this is the concert that amazed audiences and critics everywhere /Mice stars in this visual feast, which was to set the standard for all other rock tours to follow with its elaborate and innovative staging Featuring hits and classic songs (including 'Iбищиы'm Eighteen' 'School's Out', 'Only Women Bleed', 'No More Mr Nice Guy' and the trademark title track), the nightmare vividly comes to life on the rock stage, bringing forth a plethora of skeletons, giant spiders, a cyclops, the "magic" movie screen, and the voice of horrormeister Vincent Price, all designed to thrill you and keep you uneasy in your sleep There is only one Alice Cooper So, let this legendary rock showman welcome you to his nightmare Track List: 01 The брнкьAwakening 02 Welcome To My Nightmare 03 Years Ago 04 No More Mr Nice Guy 05 I'm Eighteen 06 Some Folks 07 Cold Ethyl 08 Only Women Bleed 09 Billion Dollar Babies 10 Devil's Food 11 The Black Widow 12 Steven 13 Escape 14 School's Out 15 Department Of Youth Дополнительные материалы Discography Актер Элис Купер (Исполнитель) Alice Cooper Американский вокалист и композитор Элис Купер (чье настоящее имя Дэмон Винсент Фурнье) родился 4 февраля 1948 года в Детройте (штат Мичиган, США) Свою первую группу "Earwings" собрал еще в школе, позже ее переименовали в "Sppiders", затем – в "Nazz" .